Welcome to University Tennis Academy's booking system. We have designed this make it easier for you to find the program that best suits you.
You can use the filters to quickly find programs that match a particular day, level, program type, or coach.
Interested in private/semi-private lessons? You must get in touch with us by emailing info@universitytennisacademy.com! Please note that you need to fix a time with us before purchasing semi-private and private lessons to be guaranteed a spot. If you book a lesson before confirming a time with us, you may face cancellation fees.
Currently full...
Currently full...
Monday 1130am, 1230pm, 430pm
Tuesday 930am, 1030am, 1130am, 1230pm
Friday 11am, 12pm, 1pm
Monday 12pm 1pm
Thursday 1030am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm
Currently full...
Thursday 1pm, 2pm
Please email info@universitytennisacademy.com to secure your timeslot before booking!
- You must be a current UTA client to use the machine.
- You must book your own court
- You must book more a minimum of 72 hours in advance (We advise you check availability of the machine before booking)
- Please familiarise yourself with the machine before booking by watching videos on YouTube or asking us.
- A maximum of 4 people can use the machine.
Note: Rackets are not included ($5/hr)
This player is new to tennis or has not had professional coaching before. This player is not able to rally from the service line with a coach. This player is still working on hitting the ball consistently in the small court with proper grips and technique. Lacks timing, movement and judgement of a hand fed or coach fed ball.
Note: This player may have had coaching before but has not grasped the proper grips, technique and ability to judge the ball to form rallies.
Limited experience with stroke development and is able to rally from the service line with a coach or people of similar ability and has learnt the proper grips and technique. This player needs more technical improvement, footwork, co-ordination and needs to improve their perception to transition to the baseline.
Note: Must have had professional coaching for at least 3-6 months and continuous play for the last 3-6 months.
This player is learning to hit/rally with a coach or with others of similar ability at a slow pace from the baseline. This player struggles to handle opponents spin & speed, is still learning to serve using the basic technique and is not yet familiar with tactics for point play. This player struggles with consistency and change of pace & spin.
Note: Must have had professional coaching for at least 6-12 months and continuous play for the last 6 months.
This player can create different spins, rally at a slow-medium pace and is learning to use spin on their serves. Their technique and footwork needs refinement. This player is ready for social competition and needs to develop the tactical and physical components on tennis and improve their consistency.
Note: Must have had professional coaching for at least 12-24 months and continuous play for the last 6 months.
This player has achieved medium stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots, but lacks depth, variety and the ability to alter shot distance. This player is beginning to form weapons in their game and knows the basic tactics plays for singles and doubles.
This player has dependable strokes with directional control and the ability to alter depth on shots off both forehand and backhand sides during moderate paced play. This player also has the ability to use lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys with success. Occasionally forces errors when serving. Points may be lost due to impatience. Teamwork in doubles is evident and consistent.
This player can vary the use of pace and spins, has effective court coverage, can control depth of shots and is able to develop game plans according to strengths and weaknesses. Can hit first serve with power and accuracy and can place the second serve with spin. This player has good shot anticipation and frequently has an outstanding shot or attribute around which their game can be structured.
Competition Level: Pennant